
Tutorial screencasts for Emacs

Customisation Part 1

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This is the first of a two part episode that discusses how to do basic customisation of Emacs.

This episode covers some basic which is the language that you can extend and modify Emacs with.

I do have an entire section dedicated to teaching Emacs lisp. This is a quick intro solely for the purpose of doing basic customisations.

The H.264 version of the video for iOS devices is at .

The main things which are covered are

  1. A super fast overview of elisp - s and prefix notation.
  2. C-x C-e and C-j to evaluate sexps.
  3. Simple expressions like (+ 2 2 )
  4. The ' operator.
  5. Assigning values to symbols using set and setq.
  6. Executing simple functions like set-background-color.
  7. Changing the value of variables like line-spacing.
  8. Writing simple functions.
  9. Using C-h f and C-h v to get documentation on functions and variables.

Further reading

  • Steve Yegges is a quick primer for those who want to learn useful basics.
  • Xah Lee’s is another more detailed tutorial for the language.
  • The official Gnu is an elisp tutorial for non programmers.
  • The official is more thorough guide which is not very useful as a tutorial but handy to have around when you’re actually coding in elisp.
