
Tutorial screencasts for Emacs

Gnus Part 1

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I’ve picked up something this time which I’ve always wanted to study properly – . The Emacs news and email reader. This is going to be a multipart episode since Gnus is so big. I don’t know how many exactly but as of now, I’ve got a 3 part thing planned.

Also, the hiatus was unexpected. Things should be smoother now.


Other formats are available on the .

Comments welcome.


  1. The gnus-select-method variable decides where to pick news from.
  2. M-x gnus starts gnus.
  3. g refreshes subsribed groups.
  4. F looks for new groups.
  5. ^ takes you into the server buffer.
  6. RET will do different things depending on where you are. On a group, it will show you articles in the group.
  7. t toggles topics in the Groups buffer.
  8. L shows all groups (including ones with no unread articles).
  9. l shows only groups with no unread articles.
  10. c catches up a group marking all articles as read.
  11. U is used to subscribe to a group.
  12. Information on groups and articles in cached in the .newsrc.eld file which you shouldn’t delete.
  13. Gnus uses .gnus as a startup file.
  14. gnus-secondary-select-methods is the variable that controls sources other than the primary one mentioned in gnus-select-method. Mail sources usually come here.
  15. The mail-sources variable specify where the mail backends should pick data up from.
  16. The nnmail-split-methods function can be used to split mail depending on criteria like sender etc.

Further reading

  1. The .
  2. The for lots of tips and tricks.


  1. The used to generate the mailbox.